The Only Man in the Sea of Dancing Women

“I retired at 55. Best decision I ever made in my life. All my friends retired at 65. They waited until then to live their lives. All of them were dead within eight years.”

This is Donaldo Schubert, a wise, kind soul I met in Yelapa, Mexico. At most times in the day, Donaldo is seen with a coffee mug and twinkle in his eye. He offers wise words and free smiles.

One night, I saw him out at a restaurant. It was an open-air venue that had music and dancing. After eating, he was out on the dance floor, the only guy in a sea of women. He came back beaming. “I could die like that,” he said. I believe he meant it.

Here, Donaldo came to my front porch. We met at a writing group. I told him about a book I’d read, “The Art of Seeing,” by Aldous Huxley. Essentially, it’s a book of techniques to heal your eyes. Donaldo said he’d come by to pick it up. I asked if he could text me when he’s coming? “Oh, I don’t do that texting stuff,” he said. And he showed up at just the right time.

He shared his story, which takes place all over the world. And just before leaving, he offered some sage words about aging:

”You get to a certain age when you go higher than your ego. It’s like swimming in a river with a life vest. You get to the other side and you just take it off.”

Shot on film in Yelapa, Mexico. 2022.


Don’t (Just) Be Happy. Be Useful.


When It All Burns Down