Harris Newman Harris Newman

Rome: Let’s Just Be Friends

“I should start by saying how much emotional stock went into this trip. If you know me, or you’ve heard me speak in the last three years, then you’ve heard me say “Italy” at least several times. So you can imagine, when I finally made the leap to get here, how crushed I was to not be well-received.”

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Harris Newman Harris Newman

LEYSIN: Welcome to Lala Land

“The scene at the lake was cheerful. Everything in Switzerland seemed cheerful. Groups of threes and fours sipped beers, ate fondue, smoked cigarettes, and talked quietly and happily. When you have a good-paying job, the safety-net of your government, and basic needs easily covered, why steal? Why rob? There isn’t an ideal status of wealth to strive for. You have what you need and so does the guy next to you. So what do you do? You smile, eat fondue, and sip beers by the lake.”

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Harris Newman Harris Newman

Yelapa: La Madre Selva (The Mother Jungle)

“In many ways, Yelapa feels like a living, breathing organism. Sentient, with intentions. She draws you if she wants you and rejects you if she doesn’t. And she is remarkably clear with her wishes; whereas more passive-aggressive places could send mixed signals for years, Yelapa does not dilly-dally.”

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